Friday, July 06, 2018

If God is unwilling, even a leaf will not flutter in the wind, right mom?

If God is unwilling, even a leaf
will not flutter in the wind, right mom?
©   Ye Yint Thet Zwe
English translation Ye Yint Tin Aung Moe

Mother, mother…
I whispered slowly and softly
Tears dripping down my cheeks.

I can feel winter approaching
Among the sun rays
That Pass through the freshest
And greenest of leaves.
Summer time is fading away
Slowly and quietly.

Gone are the days of the midnight sun.
The night can finally get it's life back
Firmly and surely.
In their four seasons,
Only I can't get a hold of my life.
I am still fighting with death, mother.

Gone are the days of fasting  
I went to the side of God to pray today.
Did it for my father who has passed
behalf of mother who´s left behind.
I prayed for the family members that are apart,
my beloved land of Burma and for mother earth I prayed  
while tears rolled down over my cheeks.

O mother.
"Please come back son."...
That's the voice of you calling out again and again.
I am not sure if I will ever
have a chance to feel regret by your feet again.
I know my illness the best, mother.

For the forty years I've lived,
Loved my father and mother,
My two brothers and my nieces
I loved my dear little dove,
Loved my daughter and son… my relatives

I loved people of different beliefs,
Loved my friends and acquaintances,
And out of love, for the truth
I loved poems.

 O mother, I didn´t do my part for all
except these loves.
I was not able to... as I lived alone
I had more time to think over,
Why people on this earth
commit suicide by their own hands.
I started to understand them slowly,
bit by bit,mother.

Even though mother, before I die
I want to hug you once more,
to live together with my little dove,
daughter and son once again.
I want to write the poems
that I love once again.

All these wishes and thoughts
Makes me want to defy
for the Death itself, mother.

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