Friday, July 06, 2018

In God´s hand

In God´s hand
©   Ye Yint Thet Zwe

Trees, flowers,
Sweet chirps . . . chirps of birds…
Nature, forests, mountains and waters
Including humankind
Aren’t they the creation of God?

I don’t want to know, if this drama
Which began in the Garden of Eden
Was smooth or rogue?
So, not even if the taste of the fruit
Was sweet or bitter
Or salty or sour;
I don´t care!

Me – my body with your mind,
When I search my life
I know I’m no longer the master of my body,
But, I found it at last,
At the end of the dreams and
Middle of the nights’ skies;
Alas, in the God’s hand.

In fact that beginning and end,
is the forbidden fruit lo!

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